Our Story

That you may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance

(Ephesians 1:18, MEV)

A note from the president

Born out of a rich legacy of persecuted faith, Hope International Ministries (HIM) was originally founded in 2002.

As a child, I experienced first-hand the generational impact one person’s faith could have on an entire community through the example my father set for me and each of my siblings. But it wasn’t met without hardship: my father’s faith and ministry resulted in him being sentenced to over 20 years in the gulags of Siberia. Yet still, his faith remained strong, as his hope was in Christ.

Similarly, in the 1980s, I was imprisoned for growing a youth ministry in the underground Soviet church. These hardships further fueled my commitment to impact future generations who would not only follow Jesus, but who would also become ministers of the gospel around the world.

I’m thrilled to share that for over 20 years, HIM has been equipping youth, emerging ministry leaders, and now refugees in Eastern Europe and beyond with the hope, help and healing of Christ.

The Word of God is not dead–it is fully alive and available to all who seek after it. Together, with people like you, we are impacting thousands for the Kingdom of God.

With hope in Christ,

Paul Minakov
President & Founder

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Sharing the hope, help, and healing of Christ in Eastern Europe and beyond!

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