Trauma healing retreat for pastors and spouses

Hope International Ministries (HIM) organized and led a trauma healing retreat for pastors from the de-occupied territories of Ukraine. More than 110 pastors, spouses and children had the opportunity to spend an entire week on the Black Sea coast of the Odessa region. These families came from Kherson, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions—some of the hardest bombed frontline areas.

Since the beginning of the war, with many church members leaving Ukraine, these pastors remained and served faithfully even under Russian occupation. Now, with these regions no longer occupied by Russian troops, they continue to serve their churches and communities.

When asked, “What is the biggest challenge in the churches?”, almost all pastors have the same answer: lack of church leaders. Churches are filled with new people who came to God during the war, but there are not enough mature Christian ministers to disciple them. Pastors work very hard, and they need time for their own psychological and spiritual recovery.

This retreat was a huge blessing for them to rest and renew themselves. Although we were in much safer territory, twice during our retreat week there were explosions and incoming missiles only two or three miles away. Still, this was a much safer area for most of these pastors as many of them live and serve under constant shelling and explosions of the war frontline zones.

We appreciate everyone who has donated to this project. Retreat participants were extremely grateful for your help. Special thanks to Pastors Doug and Nancy Stevens from Texas and their friend Randy Fischback from California for their courage and sacrificial service to the pastors of Ukraine. It was a very clear example of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial love.


In July, HIM held three camps in Ukraine and one camp in Latvia. Hundreds of young people heard the gospel, and many have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you very much for your financial support and prayers for this ministry as well. God works wonderfully and raises new generations of young people for His Kingdom.


In late August – early September, we plan to have two more camps in Milan and Genoa of Italy. There are two major hospitals for Ukrainian children battling cancer in those cities. 108 children from Ukraine are currently being treated there.

God miraculously introduced us to these families, and some of them have already accepted Christ into their lives. We did not plan these two camps within our budget, but we could not refuse these children who are struggling with oncology in a foreign country, far from home. We kindly ask you to consider helping us with finances to implement these camps.

Please make your gifts now to bring help and healing into even more lives!

Thank you for being our partners! Together we can share hope, joy and love as we plant seeds of faith in the hearts of many children and their parents.

With appreciation,

Paul Minakov


How can you help?

  • Join the volunteer’s team this summer

  • Sponsor kids in the camp ($150/child)

  • Pray for Refugee Kids



Summer camps update


HIM 2024 August