Newsletter - May 2023

Dear Ministry Friends,

The millions of Ukrainians are still enduring a brutal war and suffering the pain and hunger. Through your kind and generous support, Hope International Ministries (HIM) has been sharing hope through the refugee centers, through the distribution of food, medicines, warm clothes, stoves and so much more.

HIM team of eight people just got back from our trip. Three trauma healing seminars for refugee women in Germany. A very diffcult but amazing trip to Ukrainian refugee families seeking cancer treatment for their kids in Italy, interrupted by the nationwide Lufthansa strike, rerouted through Belgium, yet with many families dedicating their lives to Jesus and prayers for trauma and physical healing for parents and children. Finally, a flight north to snowy and freezing Riga, Latvia for our final trauma healing seminar there.

All of this happened in March and April of 2023 because of YOUR support and prayers, dear friends, and ministry partners. We felt your prayers even as some of us fell ill during this trip. Emotionally, spiritually, and physically this has probably been the most intense trip ever for Hope International Ministries.

Yet, this was also the most rewarding and meaningful ministry opportunity ever as we have watched so many make steps toward the path of healing and recovery and more than 500 women seeking Lord’s presence and power to rectify their lives for better.

This is only the beginning for our trauma healing ministry. We are considering traveling to Ukraine later this year to organize regional and national trauma healing seminars for the war-traumatized women there. Refugees from several other European countries are also pleading for trauma healing resources and conferences.

Would you, your church or your organization prayerfully consider supporting HIM trauma healing ministry? We are looking to raise $70,000 just to publish and distribute 10,000 trauma healing books in Ukrainian and Russian. With $7 per book for publishing and delivery, would you sponsor as many of them as you possibly can?

Your generous support is greatly appreciated.

Paul Minakov


How can you help?

Join the volunteer team this summer

Sponsor kids in the camp ($150/child)

Pray for Refugee Kids


Newsletter - June 2023